IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Laws – Band 9

INTRODUCITON (hook – simple fact including the topic! – to catch the readers attention and introduce your essays’ focus point)

Controlling juvenile activities at certain times in the day has become necessary in particular regions in the US. (Background, definitions and importance) Therefore, in some states and counties a specific time at which juveniles are restricted from being outdoors, through a set of laws and consequences, has been mandated. This has a significant impact on teenagers and society. (Thesis) Although imposing a curfew on minors restricts their freedom, I believe that having such regulation not only discourages delinquency but also encourages development. 

BODY 1- Topic sentence – a deep definition of key point 1 from the thesis – curfew discourages delinquency

Although forcing adolescents to stay indoors after dusk limits their social activities with peers, it also restricts their involvement in risky and illegal behaviors which can lead to social and physical harm. (Explanation) The rate of bad behaviors, such as drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and driving reckless increases three-fold during the night hours, after 10 pm, because of peer pressure at pubs, discos and house-parties. (Example – first-person voice and U.S.) I saw a newscast that in New York the delinquency rate among minors had been 400% higher after 10 pm, and since imposing a curfew in 2018, this has dropped to less than half, thereby, alleviating pressure on parents and the public. This is one of two reasons that I am in support of implementing a curfew for minors. 

BODY 2 – Point 2 – encouraging development

(Furthermore = another point which is even more important than the first Vs. In addition, another point which is equally important to the first.)

Furthermore, by keeping teens at home after sunset, parents have more opportunities to have their children engage in productive behavior which can lead to their mental and physical progression for a better adult life. In the three to four hours of the evening, when juveniles are only allowed out with adults, teens can spend time playing sports with their parents or working together on their studies. This leads to mutual respect and strong communication among family members, and in turn, results in smart, confident, and successful young adults. In the same newscast I saw on New York teens, research showed that after 2018, the academic performance of 15- to 17-year-olds has improved by 20%. 

CONCLUSION (3 sentences – 1. Key points restated with paraphrase (new words), 2. Author’s argument strengthened (paraphrase the thesis with strong words. 3. Take-home-message = is a piece of wisdom or advice that can be easily ‘concluded’ or inferred from the information in the essay.

  1. A conclusion is NOT a summary! – a summary is simply concise information that is the SAME as the essay (Task 1) vs. A conclusion gives a piece of wisdom and a strong subjective position.
  2. NEVER introduce new ideas in your conclusion which are not explained in your essay/ are not supported.  

In conclusion, two strong reasons to have curfews for minors in some places are less deviant activity and more productive growth. I am therefore strongly in favor of such regulation. It is important to look at not only the short-term negatives but also the long-term positives of such legislation for youngsters. 


Describe a good law in your country.
You should say:
– What is the law?
– How did you learn about it?
– Whom does this law affect?
Why is this a good law and what would be the consequence of not having it?
You will have one to two minutes to talk about this topic.
You will have one minute to prepare what you are going to say.

STEP 2 – (person, place, event, object, idea?) 🡪 Idea: origin, significance, requirements, execution, results. 

*Tense: present tense: present, progressive, present perfect (PPF? Good or bad – past = the circumstances needing this law – present = the results of the law now – future: changes and results of the law)

STEP 3 – banning plastic bags, drivers license over age 18, no smoking in public places – fine of 50 dollars, helmet while riding a bike, no sales of tobacco and alcohol for minors, mandatory public school education grades 1-12  –  

***At home, while you practice, try a couple different choices and compare your fluency!

When making a choice what three factors should I consider: 1. Easy to talk about – vocabulary, grammar, 2. Original, 3. Lots of information – universal, many experiences.

Useful NOTES: (no smoking in public places)

Origin: 2010, lung cancer, passive/second-hand smoke, encouraging children, conflict, unfair majority,

Significance: healthy society, better environment, better economy

Requirements: posting signs, enforcement, fines for smokers and establishment, 5000CAD for owner, advertisements, 3 m from entrance or more

Results: reduce lung cancer, 50% less smokers in 10yrs., higher earnings for businesses

First Sentence: 

A truly beneficial law which was introduced back in 2010 in Hungary is a ban on smoking tobacco in public places, such as bars and restaurants. Prior to this law people were constantly smoking indoors before, during and after their meals and drinks, creating clouds of second-hand smoke and not only discomforting non-smokers but also causing an increase in respiratory diseases, namely lung cancer. This had led to a decline in revenue for many hospitality venues, as well as put strain on the healthcare system. It was therefore almost inevitable that the government and society mitegate this harmful behavior by banning the consumption of tobacco in public areas for the interest of the majority. Through a massive campaign effort, a tonne of advertsing, and strict regulation, in the form of fines, between 2010 and now, the Hungarian government has successfully put an end to people lighting up in public spaces, especially indoor venues. Law officials were not only fining those who smoke 50 dollars for breaking this law, but even more importantly, the venue owners who ignored this law are fined 5000 dollars. As a result, the air is now fresh when families go out to enjoy a diner at a restaurant, they no longer need to worry about their children breathing in second-hand smoke or being negatively influenced by seeing smokers, and restaurant owners are experiencing and increase in revenue. Had this law not been introduced a decade ago, there would likely be even more problems with people’s health and eventually the healthcare infrastructure may become unsustainable. This could lead to dire results for the functioning of society. People could be left without treatment and the economy could even collapse.    

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