IELTS Writing Task 2 – Fitness for Academic – Band 9

Hi Students! Here are the Writing Task 2 questions that we covered in the past. Remember to practice your speaking by clicking, “Student Partner Speaking” in your My Student Account at (Use code A8TW9 to get a 10% discount when you join the Premium Package) Good studies

IELTS Task 2 Writing

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Many people believe that physical fitness is essential for academic performance. How does exercise benefit school performance and what can people do to maintain a regular fitness routine? 

Give explanations and examples for your response. 

Write at least 250 words. 

STEP 1 – Paraphrase the question to make sure that you understand all parts of it, think about deeply, and gather useful vocabulary. 

A lot of individuals ascertain that a healthy body is vital for good learning. In what ways does physical activity assist school performance and how can people ensure to do this on a daily basis? 

Provide explanations and examples for this perspective. 

STEP 2 – Topic and Controlling Idea

Topic (What is this essay about) – the connection between fitness and academic performance

Controlling ideas – in what ways does fitness aid learning and how can it be maintained. 

STEP 3 – Apply critical thinking to the topic and controlling idea (ask what why and how about each?)

What is the connection between fitness and leaning?

A: both fitness and learning are directly related to brain and body function.

Why does fitness impact learning?

It improves immunity, metabolism, and blood circulation which all enable an individual to learn more effective, by being able to concentrate, pursue and persist. 

How can the effects of fitness be observed in learning?

Going for a 30-minute run in the morning can be seen in an improved IELTS score from Band 6 to Band 7. 

How can people make physical fitness a routine?

Creating an exercise schedule AND making it a priority (exercise above all else – be strong yourself and you can help yourself and others.)

  • I have too much school work
  • I don’t have enough energy or time

STEP 4 – Come up with a DIRECT Thesis

(Bad thesis [avoid this for high band] – This essay will discuss the benefits of exercise for learning and will suggest ways to maintain regular fitness.)

Regular physical exercise is vital for school performance as it not only aids concentration but also stamina, and a regular work-out routine can be maintained by scheduling and prioritizing it. 

Introductory paragraph (hook + background + thesis)

Modern science has proven a strong connection between exercise and learning. (background – definition and importance) The brain is a biological machine which needs to be healthy in order to perform optimally and this is essential for students’ success throughout their school years. (Thesis) Regular physical exercise is vital for school performance as it not only aids concentration but also stamina, and a regular work-out routine can be maintained by scheduling and prioritizing it. 

Body Paragraph 1 (Topic Sentence – first thesis point presented in more detail with a paraphrase)

Regular physical activity enables the mind to stay calm and focused on intensive learning for prolonged periods of time without significant fatigue. (Explanation – should include quantitative and visual information). When students engage in one hour of daily cardiovascular exercise, such as running and swimming, they can gain the ability to study for eight to ten hours a day without being distracted by friends and entertainment. (Example – real-world and elicit empathy) A recent research study of 1000 students in Australia revealed that learners whom engage in a minimum of four hours of weekly exercise not only spend at least 10 hours more on their studies but also have an average of one-point higher GPA. Certainly, many studies such as this have proven the positive impact of exercise on learning performance. 

BODY 2 – (Topic sentence + explanation + example)

In order for pupils to achieve a regular exercise routine over the course of months and years, it is necessary to both have a timetable set for working out, as well as making it of the utmost importance regardless of other commitments. Using tools, such as Google calendar or a wall calendar, a college student can indicate a block of time, such as 8 am to 9 am, Monday to Friday, for jogging and weight training. Importantly, even if they have distractions, such as friends asking to go for coffee or breakfast, they must choose to stick to their exercise routine instead. Thousands of university students in Australia have gym memberships paid six months in advance and attend an hour of exercise regularily because they have made it an essential part of their morning routine. It is these same students who achieve higher scores on their GPA.


In conclusion, frequent exercise improves overall brain function which leads to better and longer attention to study; and in order to maintain this, learners must allocate time and importance to such physical activities. It is clear that the return on invested time and effort is well worth it for students’ academic careers.

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