Hi Students! Here are the Speaking Part 1 questions that we covered in the past. Remember to practice your speaking by clicking, “Student Partner Speaking” in your My Student Account at https://www.gieltshelp.com/buy/ (Use code A8TW9 to get a 10% discount when you join the Premium Package) Good studies
Tip – Go to your speaking exam 1 hour before the start time, so that you can get comfortable with your surroundings and find some other candidates to practice your speaking with.
Tip – Make sure to use English the entire day on of speaking test
Tip – You should visualize that the examiner is your grandfather or grandmother, they love you, they will listen to you AND you have to speak to them, loud, clear, and with detail.
Tip – Avoid using the word ‘things’ in your speaking and writing as it has ZERO value for your audience. You should always stop and replace the word with a more specific noun!
Examiner Questions:
May I see your identification?
Yes, of course, I was expecting that you would ask me, here are my credentials, please have a look.
What is your full name?
My given name is Norman and my surname is Sampson, please just call me Norm for short, it’s what I’m used to being called by my friends and family.
Do you work or study?
Currently, I am both working as a teller at a bank and I’m completing my fourth year of business studies at the University of British Columbia. Once I’ve graduated, I plan to continue my learning in the US and hope to get a higher-level executive position at a reputable bank.
What do you like to do in your leisure time?
Well there are plenty of activities that I enjoy in my spare time, such as playing basketball, reading a book, going for a run, and hanging out with my family. These activities help me to stay fit both physically and emotionally. Just yesterday, I went for an enjoyable bike ride with my daughter.
Let’s talk about television
How often do you watch TV?
Well, these days, I rarely watch the telly because I don’t have much time and I prefer to watch movies on video streaming services like Netflix. I would say that I watch TV maybe once a month when it’s on at my friends’ or parent’s house. The last time I remember watching a program was football about three months ago at my friend, Dave’s house.
What is your favorite TV show? Why?
My all-time favorite TV program is the Simpsons which in fact is an animation for teens and adults about a typical American family. It is a comedy and whenever I watch it, I just can’t stop laughing.
Where in the house do you keep your TV?
I have three different TVs in my home, I keep the biggest one in my living room so that I can enjoy movies together with my family, I have a smaller one in the bedroom to watch the evening news before going to bed, and I have a third tiny 30 inch TV in my garage that I use to watch “do it yourself” videos when I’m either fixing or making items in my spare time.
Is it healthy for children to watch TV?
I think that a limited amount of TV time three to four times each week, say no more than 45 minutes per occasion could benefit children especially if they are watching educational programming such as nature documentaries on the Discovery Channel. I let my daughter watch such a program on Tuesdays and Thursdays, call Tiny Planet.
Have TV shows changed since you were a child?
If you could make a TV show, what would it be?
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